Christmas Kindness
On a more personal note, this year Perilight Graphics is trying something new! Since most of my days are spent being a mom, I thought I'd use some of my graphic ability to teach my kids a few things! This year at Christmas we have decided as a family to come up with 12 things we can do to show kindness to other people during the month of December and leave this card when we do.
Here's our list for this year:
Shovel someones walk anonymously.
Bake treats for neighbor & Ding Dong Ditch them.
Collect all the change in the house and put it in a Salvation Army red bucket.
Buy something fun for the school secretary.
Deliver dinner anonymously to someone.
Give hot drinks to Construction workers.
Deliver stuffed animals/toys to a Domestic Abuse Shelter.
Bake cookies and deliver to local Fire & Police Stations.
Make ornaments for Grandparents.
Send a card to someone just letting them know you're thinking of them.
Donate books to a library/school.
Buy some Helium balloons and hand them out to random kids.
We invite you to join us! Start a new tradition in your family. Spread some love. Resonate Kindness and Glorify the one who has given us everything! Anyone is welcome to download this card for free and print it at a local photo shop. It's 4x6 in size and should print like any other photo!
I love this song by Brandon Heath. It really gets you thinking about opening our eyes to the needs of others. So many people we pass every day need our help. How often do we actually stop our busy lives and help. Our prayer is that others will pass on these acts of Kindness and bless others this Christmas Season!
Merry Christmas!